
Mr Jay Mehta Of Netclues Nominated For Cayman Islands Stingray Tourism Awards 2016

Netclues Inc., a global IT company, proudly announces Jay Mehta's nomination for the 2016 Cayman Islands Stingray Tourism Awards in the Rising Star category.

Mr Jay Mehta Of Netclues Nominated For Cayman Islands Stingray Tourism Awards 2016

“Netclues Inc. is proud to announce the nomination of Mr Jay Mehta for the prestigious Cayman Islands Stingray Tourism Awards 2016 under the Rising Star Tourism Award Category.

Netclues Inc., the leading web and IT Development Company with headquarters in the Cayman Islands and offices in India, Malaysia, and Canada, is proud to announce the nomination of Jay Mehta for the prestigious Cayman Islands Stingray Tourism Awards 2016 under the Rising Star Tourism Award Category.

The awards also include several other categories like Accommodation, Transportation, Water sports, Restaurant, and Long Service, that featured several other prominent nominees as well. The awards, organized by the Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA) are now in their 13th year and will take place at the Ritz Carlton Grand Cayman on 21 June 2016. “Today, Netclues is at the threshold of revolutionizing the way we do business in the Cayman Islands and around the world with the help of cutting-edge advances in Web and Information Technology.

"I am happy to have been nominated for the award along with several other worthy nominees who are equally well-deserving of this renowned award, said Mr Jay Mehta, of Netclues Inc. Netclues stands for the dedication, hard work, and pioneering zeal, which Mr Mehta has continuously displayed while at the helm of the company. Under his able stewardship, Netclues stands dedicated to serving the Cayman Islands and other communities around the world in the field of web development and Information Technology. Today, Netclues is a state-of-the-art technical hub that includes a high-tech supported private server room.

The company is quick in its response time and maintains a thoroughly punctual working style. The emphasis is on workforce productivity and creativity under able management guidance and continuous support. Visit or call +1 (345) 925-2222 today!