
Googles Real-Time Penguin Update 2015 (November 10, 2015 Update)

What is the New Google Search Engine Update? The latest update in Google Search Engine is called "Real-Time Penguin" Update

Googles Real-Time Penguin Update 2015 (November 10, 2015 Update)

What is the New Google Search Engine Update?

The latest update in Google Search Engine is called "Real-Time Penguin" Update

There have been some updates to search engines end of 2014 which was named as Penguin Update, this new update is a minor but important updates in the same area. It is planned by Google to be launched anytime now until end of the year.

Here are some questions that might help getting prepared for this update:

Where did this start and what is Penguin update?

Without going too much in details of older versions of the updates, the Google Penguin update tackles spam and spammy link building practices, often referred to as old style SEO practices. The penguin update was major with a bigger vision but the most important was to make web rankings fair.

The penguin algorithms purpose was to penalize sites pointing to sites that have a bad reputation or have been manipulated to gain better search engine rankings outside of Googles webmaster's guidelines. This included linking to bad link farms, poor quality sites, buying links, arranging spammy website to be linked or more ¦ Penguin was released sometime end of 2014.

So what is Penguin Real Time Update and how is it different?

The goal with this update is to take the Penguin update real time. Just as the name suggests the goal is to reduce the wait for any business to wait to either recover or get penalized. The new algorithm will no longer wait for large manual updates and system will be real time there by you would be able to recover from a penguin penalty incredibly quickly. However, this also bring in the case where you could end up getting penalized quickly as well. Until now Google relied on Manual and bulk information processing which meant a little wait time for businesses but things have changed now.

The dates of launch have not yet been public but the tweaks make to the algorithm will likely be subtler and changes will be instantaneous and will not be rolled out in months.

Will this affect my site in any way?

With any algorithm changes the way you are positioned in the search engines may change due to obvious reasons. While updates like these may push you down in the search engines but at the same time if you or your marketing company follows proper Google Guidelines you will not have issues of any sort and you may also gain better rankings.

We have 3 profiles here and read more to understand how each profile might be affected:

  • Good Quality: This profile represents a very careful marketer who only links to good networks and often monitors their network and uses proper Google Guidelines. This group will see a definite increase in rankings.
  • Neutral Quality: This profile represents a business who is cautious of their marketing and would link to neutral quality links. They might see an increase in rankings depending on various factors including their competition etc.
  • Does Not Care: This profile doesn't care about reputation of the links coming back to the site and doesn't monitor the backlinks. This group will see negative effects on their ranking profile.

But don't panic no matter what group you are in as and when the real time tool is launched you will be able to use the Google Disavow tool to recover from the penalties within days instead of months.

What do we think this might happen?

We estimate this happening in 3rd week of November 2015 but it might happen anytime from now until December 2015 to be certain.

What should be done by me?

If you fall in the Good Quality profile you need not worry about this as you will just get better but if you are unsure here are a list of things:

  • Make sure you are linking to a good link network. There are various tools out there most popular one is Moz or Raven.
  • Speak with your marketing company/SEO company and find out whats their plan for this.
  • Use Google Webmasters to detox your page or disavow bad links.
  • Try to man manually remove bad links by submitting request to the site owners or deleting the profile.
  • Remember to check and worry about only Follow Links, no follow links will not harm.

Need additional help?

If you need any additional help please feel free to contact me at or call us at 345 925 2222. We will be more than happy to provide you any assistance on this.